
Right way of cleaning a Dog or a pet

Put it in water and wipe it under the water. It's that simple.
Wash it like 2 times a day.
@WassimBerbar said in #3:
> Put it in water and wipe it under the water. It's that simple.
> Wash it like 2 times a day.
2 times a day lol . I don't bath it even 2 day's a week hehe
> So yeah was just thinking how to clean my pet one of my friend came up with an idea of bathing it like in this video
> Can anyone tell me is it the right way? I kinda feel the dog is getting suffocated lol.
Step 1 : Open your phone
Step 2: Go in YouTube
Step 3: Search the topic
Step 4 : Don't put this type of topic here and check on youtube
use gloves,if u arent ,wash your hands also after the dogys bath
One very important thing is to not let the water inside the dogs ears.It came in my dog and he became very sick.while putting water cover your dogs ear.

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