
Any sound way to avoid the main Scotch lines?

@plzNoCloseMyAccount said in #10:
> The best way to avoid it, is to master it. GMs are not strong because they avoid there weaknesses, they are strong because they conquer it.
I don't quite agree. If there is an alternative that is no worse than the main line, then I don't see the point in studying the main line. The problem is that there are no normal alternatives in the Scotch
my question would be: is there any sound reason to avoid the scotch main lines? they are old and rugged. many good players have used them over the years. it would be mighty strange if there were some obscure clever reason to avoid them.
No sound reason at all but unlike in my youth when kids mostly started with something like Italian and other e4 e5 openings and only then moved to other stuff, most of today's beginners who start in the online world are taught that e4 e5 openings (and Sicilan) are wild and dangerous and that they would do best to avoid them at any cost. Back then, plain and basic openings and lines were most common; today, the more fancy and unusual, the "better".