
I count tactics for my opponent, but I still miss it

I remember the game (but not the position) (it was 5+3) where I was going by the basics of chess - before your move, count what your opponent wants. And I counted, for 2 minutes. But I still missed a simple skewer.

How to fix that?
Your opponent wants you to count 1 to 120, and you did that? Next time don't do that.
@Arseniy_Rybasov said in #3:
> What?

That was a joke. I think this is the game:

Maybe because this is blitz game. If this is rapid/ classical, maybe you will know your opponent's plan?
@Gravija said in #4:
> That was a joke. I think this is the game:
> Maybe because this is blitz game. If this is rapid/ classical, maybe you will know your opponent's plan?
It is.

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