
Totally Wrong Lichess Anti cheat team Decision

Lichess ID: Jindal2411
I'm a genuine & fair chess player but I'm not sure why Lichess banned my account & put a mark "This player uses chess assistance". I haven't used any engine or chess assistance to play my games. But Intentionally multiple players who jealous on me are reported me with my good quality games.

I understand that people can think about it but I haven't expected this kind of wrong decision from Lichess. I have sent multiple emails to the Lichess support team but they will not reply to me.

Does anyone here help me or let me know how can I get justice?
I have already contacted them & send 3 emails regarding it but I didn't get any response from lichess support team.
I hope I will get some good news from lichess or let me know if I have any other option to get my account back.
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Can you please share that game URL with me? So I can also see. BTW, I haven't cheat ever.
I would discuss this matter with our PM Shree Narendra Modi in my next meeting :)
Well, I guess the question is answered... the best you can do is appeal the mark and hope for a reply. There's no need for other players to try to do their own investigations. :-/
From our FAQ:

Why am I flagged for artificial rating manipulation (sandbagging and boosting) or computer assistance?

Lichess has strong detection methods and a very thorough process for reviewing all the evidence and making a decision. The process often involves many moderators and can take a long time. Other than the mark itself, we will not go into details about evidence or the decision making process for individual cases. Doing so would make it easier to avoid detection in the future, and be an invitation to unproductive debates. That time and effort is better spent on other important cases. Users can appeal by emailing, but decisions are rarely overturned.

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