
Question about the Study tool

Hey lovely people of Lichess. Does anyone know whether there is a way to allow everybody in a private to move the pieces in a manner that the moves are visible for everyone else? Currently I only figured out how the host can insert moves in a manner that keeps everyone synced.

Alternatively, does anyone have an idea how to set up positions for practice?

Thank you!
@Babbelbox: There is a SYNC button, and also a REC button on the bottom left side of the board. If you keep them both ticked, then the study should update for all members of that study and the new moves would be visible to all as well in the notation. The SYNC button keeps everyone on the same position, and the REC button records the moves to the server (i.e. updates for everyone rather than being done just for you). Your private study should have the "Enable Sync" option enabled on the main config page for the overall study in order to see both buttons.

As far as setting up positions for practice, you could go to a new chapter of your study -> Insert FEN/Board Editor -> In the Analysis Mode option: Practice with a Computer, or if you want to practice with a training partner, go to the lichess main page -> Tools -> Board Editor -> Insert FEN -> And then on the right hand side of the board there will be options with one being crossed swords where you can practice with either the computer or a friend.
Hey Bubbleboy, what a fantastic answer!

the first explanation unfortunately still doesn't allow other users to input moves in a way that makes them visible for everybody.

Your second suggestion is marvelous and I will definitely test it out. Thank you!
@Babbelbox: Ah ok, mea culpa. I tested this on a study where both of the members were listed as contributors (left panel with members). If there are members of the study that are not marked as contributors, then I guess you are right. I should test more carefully :)
So apparently the solution is to make everyone a contributor. Splendid!
I hope that works for you :) If it is a large study with many members maybe it invites unruly additions, say for group game annotation etc. But for studies with me and another 1 or 2, it has been fine to make everyone a contributor.

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