
Help Im getting worse

As for me, you may have remembered me, since we battled before, and you seemed much better than your current (and then ratings). However, I think that you are always over-complicating the situations, and you should not get into that phase yet. You should actually try out classical games a little bit, as that would suit your play style much more.
I understand,

my ranking jumps and fall for 250 elo quite regularly.. when I am in a bad sequence, it's like if my brain doesnt work and I blunder everything within many games... I know I should take a break when that happens, but I can't, i love this game.. LOL
I feel the same way sometimes and since going onto this website,, I feel it has been improving little by little. I really like all of the Learning then practice mode and doing all the checkmates or tactics.

Next I have been looking at the opening explorer feature to see a couple of good openings. I started with the Stoch game and now I am using the London opening both for white. For black I like to use a variation of the Ruy Lopez.

Then I started this youtube channel to help my students and myself to become a better player. Here is the link if you want to check it out. Any and all feedback is much appreciated.

Hope this helps.
Nothing to worry about. In fact, it´s usually an indicator that your game is improving. When you get new tools, at first, the implementation of the new tools will worsen your game. That might be the stage you are in right now. Once you learn to handle those new tools of yours, your game will be stronger.

Talking from experience.

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