
what the hell happened to my rating?

I play 2-1.pretty much exclusively.

I used to be a 2050 to 2100. ish. On bad days, i lose to 1900, on good days i mange to beat like 5% of >2200 players.

Lately my rating has exploded. I managed to gain 40 points yesterday and have reached my top rating of 2231. I slapped a couple of >2300 players really brutally. What is going on? is this normal? have they changed the ratings somehow? I am just a regular patzer.
yeah. but i have been playing for a long time now. I have never had a rating like this. and I have almost never defeated 2300 players. and then suddeny this jump? it seems very awkward.
You have been 2144 in january 2020. After thousands of games in 2 years you gained 87 rating points. Pretty normal
in bullet, i would say its pretty normal to gain/lose 50-100 points every once in a while.
i dont think 2-1 is really bullet. i generally have the feeling of having more time than 3-0
OP: I've been playing for a long time, got a + 40 yesterday, has a rating of 2200+

Also OP: I am a patzer
@saurabhsangeeth said in #9:
> OP: I've been playing for a long time, got a + 40 yesterday, has a rating of 2200+
> Also OP: I am a patzer

Of course only GMs are not patzers nowadays!

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