
What is your favorite gambit, dubious or otherwise?

I have been a gambit player for a while and just realized how many interesting gambits there are.
I'm copying something here that I posted on reddit.

I play all of the following in serious slow games. I'm about 1800 Lichess Classical. They all consistently get me wild positions. In rough order of dubiosity starting from less dubious:

-Smith-Morra Gambit (As White, 1.e4 c5 2.d4 cxd4 3.c3! dxc3 4.Nxc3)

-against the French and Caro-Kann I play a Danish-like gambit with ...xe4 f3!

-Danish Gambit (As White, 1.e4 e5 2.d4 exd4 3.c3 dxc3 4.Bc4! cxb2 5.Bxb2)

-Elephant Gambit (As Black, 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 d5!)

-Latvian Gambit ( As Black, 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 f5!?)

-Kloosterboer Gambit (as Black, 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 c6 3.dxc6 e5!, ...e5 being the critical try here).

-Duras Gambit (1.e4 f5!)

The last two especially are just awful, basically lose by force if White knows what they're doing. But I've scored well with them. Chess is my love but Gambits are my one true addiction.

Feel free to check out my classical games for my repertoire which is almost entirely gambits.

Edit: I play other stuff too, these are just the most common.
The Wing Gambit (x2)
After 1…e5, the most popular responses in the beginner and club level are 1…e6 and 1…c5. Against both, FM Fell suggest similar variations, both called the Wing Gambit.

1.e4 e6 2.Nf3 d5 3.e5 c5 4.b4!? is the Wing Gambit of the French Defense, while 1.e4 c5 2.b4!? is the Wing Gambit of the Sicilian Defense.

Both chess gambits are related, and can even transpose.

typical position that can arise from both defenses: Chess Gambits - Wing Gambits

The position resembles a typical French, but with one important difference, white’s c3 pawn defends the d4-pawn, which is the main focus of counterattack in the French. But here, Black can’t do anything there!

As the center is closed, he must play on the queenside or in the kingside. In the queenside, he can try to exchange the bad bishop for the black’s good bishop with Ba3, and then to take advantage of the weak black squares like d6. He then can use the semiopen a and b files to put pressure over black’s pawns, in a similar fashion to the Benko gambit.

The other plan is more aggressive, and it is explored in the video. White can advance his kingside pawns with g4-f4-g5 and then advance the h-pawn to open the black castle. And then checkmate! Chess seems so easy sometimes…
Of course I like the Wing Gambit, it's a strong tool, but you tend to favour what you created yourself. Therefore, check my study about Panagyurishte Counterattack (!
Halloween gambit is fun and very dubious.
Albins counter gambit
Falkbeer counter gambit

Actually I am considering using one of these for a chess video.
Let me know if you have a preference for any of the three

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