
Chess books

Hi all. I am interested in buying a chess book but don't know any. I haven't searched on Google because I think this is the best chess-playing site with a lot of good players who might know a little something about chess books. I have a classical/blitz lichess-rating about 1600-1700 with approx. 600 games each. I guess that should mean I need an intermediate/advanced chess book. Any opinions?
If it's important, I live in Croatia.
Well it depends what u want to read .. like are u interested in learning tactics , strategy, opening , thinking process??
If I had to choose from that list I would say strategies and tactics but also wouldn't mind learning other stuff such as openings and thinking process if you know what I want to say :)
Dworetzki/Jusupov books, 'Pawn Power in Chess' by Kmoch, endgame book.
Some recommendations:¨

Tactics: Forcing Chess Moves by Charles Hertan is by far my favorite.

Pawn structures/Middlegame: Winning Chess Middlegames by Ivan Sokolov is pretty good.

Endgames: Dvoretsky's endgame manual (if you want it tough), 100 endgames you must know by De La Vega (if you want to enjoy your time)
The book that I reference most often is Fundamental Chess Endings by Muller and Lamprecht.
Aagaard Positional play / Strategic play / Calculation are my bibles. lol
Though they are probably for 2000+ players. But id highly recommend.

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