
Is there a Limit to how many posts or topics I am allowed to create?

I have not posted on the forum for much lately and had something to say in terms of topics and a lot to contribute as posts to other people’s topics. Some random lichess member says I’m trolling.

Is there some limits to Lichess Forum posts that I didn’t know about?
Here is one more forum started that gets you closer to your limit that asks about the number of forums one could possibly have!

#s 2 and 3 I saw already
Don't ruin the joke
Don't make me say r/wooosh
@MathWizKid So according to you there is like a troll nature to me and my posts. This make me sad, I told Thibault Duplessis I like his site but I feel I make too many people uncomfortable because of my nature. This is a tragedy of epic proportions.
@MathWizKid Neither can you it seems your sarcasm limit is only one ply deep.

If you want to do chess satire editorials for my chess daily newspaper 🗞 let me know, you’re a real talent. 😂😂

The r/woooosh thing is Einstein level genius. 😂

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