

@spidersneedlovetoo said in #29:
> maybe the purpose is to understand the purpose..

It can change later on in my life but my current attitude towards it is to atleast try to understand the world in it's entirety rather than simply "thanking" and praising the creator since i don't even know the purpose of the creation. I stand in indifference towards it but trying to understand the creation is my form of "praise" i guess.
I know it is a sensitive topic. But this single forum post isn’t going to start an irl war between 2 sides. Worst comes to worst it’ll probs just be like you don’t believe what I believe and I don’t believe what you believe goodbye. This doesn’t violate lichess rules lol

And if they did do sum abt this that’d be kinda dumb bc you gotta let discussions like these happen lol
I think religious is ridiculous, and shows that many humans will believe whatever they are told, despite it not making sense.or the guy saying it doesn't prove to you that it is true.

So in one country, the people are told the universe is created by an elephant and in the next country they are told the universe is created from a cow. And then they believe what they're told, and that's all there is to it.
@Raspberry_yoghurt that is true, it is illogical that a creation is the creator, it just does not make any sense, but we can't say same about all religions, ex: my religion saying that there is one God that created the universe and sent prophets, there is nothing illogical here
@heckerboy said in #35:
> @Raspberry_yoghurt that is true, it is illogical that a creation is the creator, it just does not make any sense, but we can't say same about all religions, ex: my religion saying that there is one God that created the universe and sent prophets, there is nothing illogical here

It is illogical. How would you know there's one god and not 10 or 50 or 999999?

Stating something you simply cannot know as something you know is illogical.

Like if I claimed to know the number of hairs on Justin Bieber's head and was 100% sure that I got the number right by just making it up, then I'd be illogical.
if there were multiple God's, each would make the world in his way, and there would be no coherence
gods may have different wills and desires that are not always compatible with each other or with the needs of humans
@heckerboy said in #37:
> @Raspberry_yoghurt
> if there were multiple God's, each would make the world in his way, and there would be no coherence

But is the world coherent? How do we know if it coherent or not?

Like when you've got a volcano and a nice forest, and then the volcano burns the forest.

It could seem weird to think the same guy makes a forest and a volcano, in order to destroy the forest he made with the volcano he made. Because if you don't like a forest in this place and you want to burn it with a volcano, why make it in the first place? Why not just skip straight to the end state?

It's to me not crazy to assume that one guy makes the volcano and another guy makes a forest, and they don't agree on what the area should look like.

I don't see that a 1-god theory is better than a 10-god theory or a 100-god-theory.

> gods may have different wills and desires that are not always compatible with each other or with the needs of humans

They may have and they make not have.

In religion you can just claim whatever you want. That's also why it is irrational. You can literally just change any part of anything whenever you want.

Like first you say god like humans, and then you notice hey why did god create bubonic plague that makes humans die miserably. It seems like if God liked humans he wouldn't torture babies to death for no reason by giving them the plague.

But then you just invent a new thing to make it fit. And so it goes.

And it works that way, because religious people want to make it impossible to use logic here, because they know it doesn't make logical sense.

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