

@HerkyHawkeye said in #20:
> For sure! I really don’t mind good discussion about religion (and other debatable topics) and hearing diverse beliefs. I think it helps to understand one another better. If, and that is a huge IF, we can understand each other, perhaps we can begin to make room for alternate systems of belief. The internet hasn’t proven helpful from my perspective. Just my simple opinion.
for my part, I debate in a scientific way, giving proofs from several sources, don't know about the others
What will debating do?
It will not deter me from believing in God.
You gain nothing from doing so.
Be my guest.
Just letting you know I’m only 15 and a Christian so the points I make will make no sense to an atheist or a person who has no intentions of learning from this discussion.

So you asked why He would do so. What question did you mean by that?
I am a 14 muslim , so it is fair enough
You asked me a question but wanted to make sure you will participate in an educatif scientific debate, but if you don't want me to answer It is OK:), sorry if you understood from my response any disrespect
I am a 15 year old Apostolic Pentecostal Christian. Nice to see young people stand for their belief, even if they don’t fully understand all of it.
Btw you weren’t disrespectful, I just have a habit of jumping to conclusions.
I usually don’t really get into scientific arguments, I usually go on belief and faith, but you seem like you want it in good faith so I see no problem in having a discussion where we both could learn
I'm also a 16-year-old boy and I'm Jewish lol
@heckerboy said in #13:
> technically the creator of the universe is God, so if he was born, how was the universe before him created, for me, I belive Jesus is a prophet sent by God

You're absolutely right, and before him many many many other prophets and messengers were sent by God to tell people about God, like Adam آدم, Nouh نوح, Moussa موسى etc. with proofs and miracles to show them reality.

@VVirtual said in #24:
> @heckerboy
> I am a 15 year old Apostolic Pentecostal Christian. Nice to see young people stand for their belief, even if they don’t fully understand all of it.
@heckerboy said in #23:
> I am a 14 muslim , so it is fair enough

I too am 15 years old. And I'm very happy to show my point to others to prove them about God.
@VVirtual said in #8:
> @WassimBerbar
> In the Old Testament, there is a few verses where it prophesies that there will be a child born, his name will be Jesus. It says he is God on earth in the flesh.
> Jesus was not a prophet, he was God
Please show me the verses you are talking about
when i learn about evolution and astronomy i often ask myself "is there a god?" but simultaneously i know its just me not grasping the matter very deeply and trying for an easy way out before my brain explodes.
Another Sensitive topic, i worried if this topic should be discuss it in here, differences between beliefs and opinion can lead to trouble and blasphemy, i wish Lichess will be have new rules for a avoid Sensitive Topic like this!

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