
Kopec system against the Sicilian

The game is an example of the so called "Kopec system" against the Sicilian defense. White plays a delayed Alapin, drives his bishop to the c2 square and defers the d4 breakout in an aim to get a Ruy Lopez like pawn structure. This constitutes an unpleasant weapon against Sicilian players who don't want to enter into the typical Ruy Lopez positional themes. The game is an amateur game, but it shows the point of catching the opponent by surprise with limited time so solve many defensive problems proper of an opening he was not expecting to play. I hope it can be of use to someone and any advice or reply (if not of an offensive nature) will be taken with much appreciation.
when they go c5-c4 try the b3 break, instead of the d push.
Actually black should never go c4 but that's another story
This is one of the reasons why i consider 2...e6 as unprecise. Against 2...Nc6 or 2...d6 this system works not so well as black can work with ..Bg4, ..e6, ..d5, and if white prevents it with h3 he loses a tempo.
After 2...d6, I often play Bb5+ and then c3, saving the square for the bishop for similar purposes. As you say, it's quite often a tempo losing line (Ba4, Bc2), but one can manage it with the closed center. True that it works better in this "French" Sicilian context.
And sure, I'll give that b3 a shot next time the opportunity arises... the computer suggests always b4, considering that black is somehow forced to capture en passant. I'll see those lines latter and how b3 works instead.
Thanks a lot to the bought of you.

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