
is it a violation of Lichess TOS to use a fake (low) rating?

bro i dont think it is true,because maybe some players are being just too good by learning chess just like me,firstly i used to have only 1110 rating in bullet and now I am at 1700,I am just learning chess and better,you cannot say anyone a sandbagger
@successkafle Gaining and losing rating points is not sandbagging. You can improve, tilt or go up and down in rating. That's normal. However, if you are 1700 and you suddenly drop to 1100 and then join a <1200 tournament and beat everyone, you will likely get marked for sandbagging.
@clutchnutz "if a player loses rating points but never enters a tournament to beat lower rated players, there is no sandbagging"

Yes, there is. Entering into a tournament with weaker players isn't required for sandbagging, it is just the primary motive behind it. The act of sandbagging is intentionally losing games, beating weaker players is just the reason behind the sandbagging.

The Chess24 terms of service also supports this:

"Sandbagging is the intentional act of reducing one's chess rating by losing games, or drawing with lower-rated players. Generally, the objective is to qualify for a lower rating class section in a future competition."
@clutchnutz yes you are true ,one you go up you would never think of losing rating incase you have negativ thoughts then you decrease your rating....sand bagging must be strict ....
@Steven-ODonoghue That's interesting... and I am open to accepting that definition but I always see the term used when describing a strong player with an artificially low rating who beats weaker players in a tournament setting. Thanks for taking the time to gather those quotes.
Sandbagging is synonymous with "hustling" in pool. You play below your ability to get other players to accept big bets and then beat them once money is on the line. Perhaps the term "sandbagging" does refer to the first step of losing on purpose but it also entails winning after creating the perception of being less skilled. If the intentional losses are not followed up with winning when stakes are increased, then it would be indistinguishable from tilting.

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