
Does above 96% accuracy means he or she is cheating??

NO. I just got a perfect game. But they tried to play the fried liver against the Taimanov and made really poor choices and resigned somewhere around move 12 to 15. If you saw the other 3 games I blundered that day you'd assume no way he can have perfect game..

Now if they are rated 1200 and average 67% accuracy then play over 90% 3 out of 5 games with over 30moves each then that's suspicious.

I was actually worried when I saw 0 mistakes, thought for sure he'd be a poor loser and report me when he played horrible. Only had 1 other game like that in QGA when they made the fatal cxb5 mistake. Well I think I had a couple other quick resignations but don't know accuracy.

If you play badly and make easy decisions for opponent they can play high accuracy to a certain point. And don't play Fried Liver against e6 Sicilians.
Just bc Sicily is part of Italy doesn't mean you play Italian game..... har har
A rule of thumb is anybody who has higher accuracy than you is cheating; anybody who has lower accuracy than you is a noob who neither understands chess nor technology.
I don't know if this is a generational thing but cheating at cards used to get a beating, broken arm (& or) leg OR WORSE . Does someone need to pay soon since hiding behind their computer "saves" them or wtf ??? People who CHEAT need to PAY one way or another eventually anyway
for shure can i only know about myself that i am not cheating.
I am lucky, if i play a good game in that case i bookmark it.
The victory almost always is caused by a blunder of my opponent.
Have a look if you like.
I would say a score above 90% is very common.
I have gotten perfect games before, both on this account and while playing anonymously.

It's not that hard to get a 0-0-0 game if your opponent blunders early on and/or you know the opening you're playing.

For example, play a trappy line that you've memorized 20 moves of theory for, and it'll look to your opponent like you're cheating. But a mod will see, "oh, that dude played the same line against 20 other people and won every single time, it must be a line they've memorized" and declare it not cheating.

So at the end of the day, report it if you're suspicious, but otherwise, I would say it isn't that hard to get a high accuracy if even players of my rating can get it :)
Depends who's playing, if it's an average player: Cheater. But if it's a GM or IM: Might not be cheating!
I have the attention span of a house fly, and I found several games amongst my favorites in which I had 96, 97, or 98 percent accuracy. I have a whole hell of a lot more games in the 40's and 50's. Even morons like myself have near-perfect games.
@Vijay25krishna said in #6:
> No not this, this oniy 95% accuracy but in some games my opponent have played in a 96%,97% or 98%.
> Anybody ever faced this?

Lichess has strictly said in the Terms of Service, that just because someone played with a high accuracy doesn't mean they are cheating as it's possible due to your blunders, mistakes and inaccuracies giving them an easier time to play good moves since almost all moves are good, But if you suspect someones just report them not start a blog post about it
Another easy way to get really high accuracy is to go to some drawish endgame and instead of agreeing to a draw, just play the whole thing out for another 50 moves.

That's 50 easy perfect moves for both sides which can easily out-average your earlier inaccuracies, thus driving the accuracy % upwards.

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