
Help I need someone to train with!

Hey community! I've been playing chess for a few months and I really need a kind of trainier who wants to play with a beginner with me.
Currently I'm just playing against AI and I'm not confident enough to play online against other users because I believe I'll get crushed.

So if you're interested in helping me, please message me (Pmpl)! I'm also thankful for any tips on chess, especially on openings since they're very hard for me.

A few things.

1. Welcome to the site! This is a great site to learn.

2. The best way to learn how to play chess, IS to get crushed. You know how I learned to play? By getting my butt kicked over and over again by better players and learning through every single game. You should be playing better players, and the beauty of playing on here is you have lots of tools to look at all those games. Leave your ego at the door.

3. The point of playing chess is to play other players. If you aren't ready for that, then you aren't ready for the game.

4. Although getting a high rating is nice, I wouldn't sweat it for awhile and just focus on learning. Look at master games. Get some books on the basics. Immerse yourself in the game. Fear will get you no where. You have to dive in head first, and just see what happens.

5. Go play live! Go to the park, go to a club, get out there and play. And you will lose, I promise. But every loss is a lesson. A free chess lesson, in fact (aside from the club fee if there is one) You will learn through every game.

Best of luck. Thats how I got to the level I am now, which is competitive, although there are certainly stronger players than me. I can hold my own with most enthusiasts, and struggle against masters and above but still have a great game.

Keep at it.
@killerchewy Thanks a lot for your tip. Well I guess first thing I'll do is just play online and get crushed lol and I should get myself some chess books... Can you/anyone recommend some good ones?
And for that live playing thing, I have that one friend I play chess once in a while and I have to say playing live feels much better for me and yeah, I'll put some more effort into seeing that friend.
Well thanks a lot again, I think your tips will help me getting better and hopefully I'll be a good chess player one day.

Greetings from Germany!
1. I can be you're training partner! (I am ok about 1600-1650) Do not mind the ratings on Lichess
2. I think you should get 1001 combinations and sacrifices by Fred Renfield, really helps.

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