
Searching for 1000 and 1300 lichess elo to help me

Hello everyone,
I am currently writing a blog about the differences between 1000s and 1300s.
I am therefore searching for practical examples to show the concrete differences.
Is anyone (between 950 and 1350) interested to get his game analysed ?

Also, why do you guys think that you are losing or winning against 1000 or 1300 ?

Thank you for your responses
Higher rating= better tactical play & better positional play.
If i win, it means i play better.
If i lose, it means i play worse.
The way the algorithm is designed, the average result between players with 300 points difference in (stable) rating should be 0.84, i.e. if you take a random sample of 100 games with this rating difference, higher rated players should score approximately 84 points.

If you are looking for some rules like "1300 rated player will see a checkmate in 3, 1000 rated won't", I don't think it works like that. Each player has some strong and weak sides and playing two opponents with the same rating can be a completely different experience.

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