
List of cheaters to train an A.I.

Hey fellow chess enthusiasts,

I have an interest in Artificial Intelligence and just for practice I thought of building a bot that can detect cheating in chess. For this I need a database of chess-cheaters however. I figured I can make the dataset by myself. I however did not find an easy way of finding these cheaters.

I did come across this post: which was somewhat helpful.
Does someone know an easy way to get a list of cheaters? If not, feel free to use this thread to post any users that have been banned for cheating.

Thanks in advance!
Perhaps you should train it off of you playing against engines.
I disagree with #2 and don't think that is an interesting idea.

If that was how to spot cheaters, all major sites could detect cheaters simply by looking for people who play 100% top engine candidate moves. If cheaters were that stupid and therefore that easy to spot, getting rid of them would be the easiest thing.

You do need real cheater games. And from where I stand it looks like only real, not emulated, 100% genuine cheating attempts -- ideally by a multitude of cheaters will do.

A real cheater will emit many subtle and not-so subtle clues about their wrongdoing. From move times, to a certain blend of human vs computer moves.

That is why you need to find a lot of raw data of real cheaters if you want to be successful.

I find your ambition very interesting and I wish you luck. Keep us in the loop
@DeKleerKast said in #1:
> > Does someone know an easy way to get a list of cheaters? If not, feel free to use this thread to post any users that have been banned for cheating.
That would be public shaming and therefore forbidden.
<Comment deleted by user>

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