
I found another cheater, and he belongs to Kristo's Chess team.

His username is Sander

Game against human opponent

Mirror game played against Stockfish level 8

I am very surprised to see this as I thought Kristo's Chess team were good people.

Haha, just kidding Kristo, I know you have quite a large team and you can't police all the members.

But I wanted to add, the cheating at lichess seems very common. And most of the ones I'm catching are the ones careless enough to use Stockfish under the same account. Imagine all the people who have chess engines like Houdini on their computer and are being careful with it, for instance, not using the engine to cheat the whole game but just entering in a critical position from a game and using the engine for 1 or 2 moves.

And I know that cheaters, if caught, get the "this player uses computer assistance" tag. But can't they just make a new account? It's very easy to make an account here, you don't even need an email address. I mean, are the cheaters being IP banned, what's to stop them from just making another account?

Also, can't something be implemented in the site that scans games for cheating and automatically detects when things look suspicious, then alerts an admin to check it out?
I have reset him.

Cheating is somewhat common on lichess,
just like cheating is somewhat common on many websites/games especially on a free, easy accessible, easy usable websites.

We find cheaters daily, often times multiple cheaters. Some times close to a dozen per day.

On the first attempt cheater is reset/marked.
Second attempt same with ip ban.

Now of course people can bybass both.

In the end most cheaters are wasting more time and "effort" on their end copying the moves, being reset, remaking accounts, etc.

Most often the cheaters are quite easy to spot.
Sometimes not so.
But the lichess community with people like you helps out too :)
Thanks Legend.

I know that pretty much every chess site has problems with cheating. has a big problem with it too, from what I've read.

Personally I like Lichess better than I like the aesthetics of this site better as well as the non-commercial vibe. I also think the ELOs here are more representative of reality, at the ELOs are a bit inflated, here they actually mean something. If someone could get to above 2000 on lichess, that means they'd be at least IM or FM level, and possibly even GM.

That's good to know you IP ban cheaters on their second offense.

The graph of a cheater is often recognizable as a flat, spikey elo that suddenly curves upward, while at the same time their average opponent ELO stays the same or rises as well. I wonder if something could be programed into the site that could just key into when people have this particular graph with a stable or rising opponent ELO, that way it wouldn't have to scan every game, but could just flag members who look suspicious for review.
I agree with agent legend :)
Guess who's back, back again. Amy's back, tell a friend. Guess who's back, guess who's back? Guess who's back, guess who's back? Guess who's back ...nna nna nna-parara-nna-nna-nna...

I am really offended that you didn't mention me in above comment. But you don't need to. That's the past.
I really didn't meant to offend anyone with this comment, any similarity with reality is pure coincidence. Just wanted to say Hi to Meph, Legend, Thibault, Smiling Bishop, Trial B,and others and of course, just for a blink seeing that Thibault and Legend watched one of my previous games a couple of days ago, don't know exactly which one, but I am glad that I missed you guys. You missed me too.
As I said, just to say Hi, and wish everybody a great and productive day. Cheers!
That's why I never beat him in so many game.this site is full of cheaters.

Unfortunately legend cheats too.I played couple of games against him. I was surprised by his perfect moves. I did a computer analysis.


15-20 games:

Inaccuracies: 0 Mistakes: 0 Blunders: 0 !
I'm trying to catching all the cheaters.As you've noticed with big Team is very difficult.Look at the other Teams and count how many they have.We are an icon of honesty and it is right.
Best regards.
"If someone could get to above 2000 on lichess, that means they'd be at least IM or FM level, and possibly even GM."

While I agree ratings are relatively deflated here at the moment, this is a major exaggeration.
Nope, thats totally incorrect.
A FIDE Master could kick everyone's a**es here
IM-Atila, If someone has 0 Inaccuracies 0 Mistakes and 0 Blunders its not always means that he/she is cheating, cheaters are detected by other methods. Remember that kids, and never rush to claim someone as cheater. Anyway i think you are just a troll, a bad one.

Sup Amy, if its rly you ofc. Enjoy your stay, forum is pretty boring without you to be honest.

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