
Lichess should remain non-geopolitical

@WS83 said in #30:
> This isn't about freedom and democracy. It's about the Ukraine entering a military alliance which habitually invades other countries and is placing missiles along the russian border.

You are correct, one country is being invaded and destroyed. But I think you are confused at who is doing the invading. Furthermore, the country doing the invading is doing it because it is against freedom and democracy spreading. Not Nato.
@CooloutAC said in #27:
> You make this statement. Then go on to say that Lichess should not make vacuous statements. My friend, chess and the rest of the world do not live in a vacuum no matter how much you want us to. Quality of Life trumps everything.

I stress that I have no problem with *individuals* like myself and others being geopolitical. An organisation being geopolitical is the issue.

> What would be "qualifed" to you? Someone living on this planet is not enough qualifications to be dedicated to freedom of all human beings, especially those who are fighting for those very same ideals? How bout freedom to express yourself on these very forums as one example... Do you know why Libre software is even important?

I meant "qualified" in a linuguistic sense, as in "a complete phrase". Not as in "having qualifications".
@torresjrjr said in #32:
> I stress that I have no problem with *individuals* like myself and others being geopolitical. An organisation being geopolitical is the issue.

But this is a disingenuous statement. Because if that is true the only reason you could have for wanting to censor the political views of Lichess, is that you fear their louder voice will be heard by more people.

> I meant "qualified" in a linuguistic sense, as in "a complete phrase". Not as in "having qualifications".

When people correct grammar on the internet, its a last resort of concession because they have no more argument.
Disagree with the measure. Players are not responsible or guilty for the actions of their governments. Sounds more like a lynching campaign to me, a campaign of dangerous "Russophobia"
@Nushpianni said in #34:
> Disagree with the measure. Players are not responsible or guilty for the actions of their governments. Sounds more like a lynching campaign to me, a campaign of dangerous "Russophobia"

If they were truly Russophobic they would have banned Russians from playing on this website. Which they clearly said they will never do. What they don't agree with is sentiments of players supporting their government and the invasion of another country unprovoked to suppress freedom and democracy.
Remaining silent IS a political stance, though. It's an easy-to-misunderstand stance, but it still is one.
It is not that it is political. It is ethical. It is horrible to invade a country for no reason other than to expand your empire. A childrens hospital got hit by Russian bombs. CHILDREN. Is it like they are going to pull some gun out of their back pocket and shoot the Russians? especially if they are injured.
I can only think of one person who is happy about this situation ...

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