
Mention smth impossible to do

Randomly shuffling a full deck of cards and getting the same pattern twice
For me personally, walk down a street in Boston without getting sucker-punched by a confused prostitute.
@BlotterFan said in #3:
> Prove non-existance
Suppose there exist two integers p and q such that (p/q) ^2=2. Dividing p and q by 2 as many times as necessary (which doesn't change the value of p/q), we can assume at least one of them is odd. But p^2=2q^2 so p^2 must be even which implies p is even. Say p=2n. Then p^2=4n^2 thus q^2=2n^2. Hence q^2 is even, and so is q, which is a contradiction.

There you go.

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