
How do you be a chess GM ?

So how to be a GM???
I played some chess torments and it want like 14 13 12 11 ... 1 the smaller the number the better you are at chess so if you hit 1 your a chess GM?
@WalterTrentkamp said in #16:
> I'd say by getting to 3000 on lichess puzzles, mastering the 100 endgames in 100 endgames you must know, and learning a white and a black opening you can play against anything or learning openings for both colours.
That’s a lot...
"How do you be a chess GM?"
Answer: Study chess. Play lots of chess and even then it's nearly impossible.
the requierments are:
2500 ELO
3 GM norms(through tournaments with a very high performence)
possibly more(don't remember)
not to discourage you but... you seem pretty far off
"... the NM title is an honor that only one percent of USCF members attain. ..." - IM John Donaldson (2015)
"To become a grandmaster is very difficult and can take quite a long time! ... you need to ... solve many exercises, analyse your games, study classic games, modern games, have an opening repertoire and so on. Basically, it is hard work ... It takes a lot more than just reading books to become a grandmaster I am afraid." - GM Artur Yusupov (2013)
@truman95 said in #23:
> Question how did you become a NM @MrPushwood ?

he bought a box of General Mills, when he put the cereals in his bowl, he saw a golden paper where it was written: "congratulations, thanks to your excessive consumption of General Mills the US chess federation offers you the title of NM (don't ask what that means, it's already costing us a lot to offer it to you!)" that's the story.

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