
You've heard of Leela Chess Zero; now get ready for Bongclown!

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you possibly the greatest (or the worst, depending on how you see it) Lichess bot to have ever created: Lc0_Bongclown!

Lc0_Bongclown is a version of Lc0 that plays only one particular opening: the Bongcloud. Came about as a random idea on the Leela Chess Zero's Discord server where I wanted to pair up one of the greatest chess engines of all time with one of the worst (or greatest, depending on how you see it) openings of all time.

You can challenge it to bullet or blitz games with a maximum of 3 seconds increment. It can also play 5 games simultaneously, but I'm thinking of upping that cap, depending on how testing goes.

Have fun!

P.S: I don't know how, but my bot managed to get featured. Pretty pog if you ask me.
<Comment deleted by user>
i wanted it to play e5 as i can win after qh5 but bot is smart it plays only french

@TalMagicalDragon said in #4:
> i wanted it to play e5 as i can win after qh5 but bot is smart it plays only french
It may look like it's heading into the French, but it's not. It will go for the bongcloud, everytime.
@TalMagicalDragon said in #6:
> 1. e4 e5 2. Qh5 Ke7 3. Qxe5# #5 i mean if it plays boncloud after e5 its checkmate

Whether it gets checkmated or not, bongcloud is big pipi opening
Zero day exploit that's legal if your opponent didn't get flagged by time in 5 moves
How to fix it if white player Bg5 black should don't play bongcloud and if bot playing as white should play e3 due to 1..Nf6 or d5 (d5 better) black can win pawn

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