
Bring back 15+15 Classical!


"please tell me why 15+10 is not a real alternative to you"

Indeed this time control is very similar to 15+15. The important difference though, is that it's counted as rapid. Not classical. In that sense, I don't consider your question very sensible.
@IsaVulpes exactly that. i have only played classical since i joined, and i want to keep on playing classical. if 15+10 would be classical i had no problems with it
:) people got used to 15+15.

30+0 boils down to a 15+15 game of 30 moves does it not?
I you want to time out your opponent you're more likely to do it in a 30+0.
If you don't, then a 30+20 is more likely to meet your need.
+1 for the new controls

People who like winning on time usually play blitz. That's not what you play classical for.

And 30+20 is nearly twice as long.
I'm also extremely disappointed with the disappearance of 15 + 15. It was the perfect time control for Internet chess.
15 + 10 is just a little too fast...
@Molurus exactly!
and 30+0 and 15+15 is basically the same, so even if they change the 30+0 back to 15+15 or leave it as is, I'd be happy.
Either way - I am excited about the new options

@ThierrySuisse try out the 30+0 - I am positive that it will be same experience!


I don't consider 30+0 a real alternative for 15+15 and won't be playing it. The last few months I've been working hard to up my classical rating, and I'm almost at 2200. For now I will use the custom search, but it will now take even longer to find a game than it used to.
@Molurus I can understand that there is a very niche group of players that enjoyed both playing "very fast Rapid" (10+0, potentially even Berserked in tournaments) casually, and "slow chess -but not too slow- with increment" in a more serious fashion.

This very niche group of players will now be unhappy with 15+10 as an alternative (as their "serious" rating would get ruined by their casual 10+0 sessions), as well as not liking 30+0 due to the lack of increment, nor 30+20 (as it's too long).

For everyone else, I very much struggle to see a problem. The niche group of players that actually does have an issue, can still create 15+15 Lobbies, or pretend they aren't playing 30+0 but just have 20 minutes (to prevent flagging while a rook up)

Complaints of people like @NurDerHSV1887 i still don't understand - he literally didn't play any Rapid whatsoever so far, so he can simply switch. No problem, other than a different number on their profile being the one that climbs up (which is.. no problem).

Meanwhile, the switch from 15+15 to 15+10 & 30+0 on the homepage is a huge advantage for the following groups of players:
- OTB players, who want to practice for a rapid tournament (which are played in 15+10 most of the time)
- People who want to keep their Classical rating for ACTUAL Classical (30+30 and up), but are still interested in Rapid with Increment
- People that hate Increment, but still want to play Classical (and now get to play 30+0 - which used to be the most popular Classical lobby, by far)

Those 3 groups taken together will be far more sizeable than the single niche of "Likes casual Rapid and serious Classical with increment".
You can never please everyone, so you at least attempt to please the majority.

In the last week about a 100,000 classical games were played, and I'm willing to bet the far majority of those games were with a 15+15 time control.

I wouldn't call that a niche.

PS: a change to 20+10 would have been completely fine with me. But the supposed alternative 15+10 is in a completely different rating category. That's not providing an alternative to those who played 100k games last week.
Yes... people clicked on the button.

The niche isn't "People who played 15+15", the niche is "People who have a notable reason for preferring 15+15 over both 15+10 and 30+0".

Of those 100000 people playing 15+15, 99.999% would notice *no difference at all* to playing 15+10, if that were also labeled 'Classical'.
Since it's a 'Rapid' tc, it's a bit more on the nose, and actually creates a niche of players who have a real issue (aforementioned group of "casual 10+0 / serious Classical" people), but it's still not many.

Meanwhile, the people who are helped by the change, see the post, are a quite sizeable amount - espec with Covid pushing loads of OTB players into the online world.

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