
Why do I get banned for 10 mins for opponent aborting?

This happened to me twice today when a couple of players accept my seek then abort on me. Just wondering is there a way to fix this? The server thinks I am the one aborting games.
I got a ten minute ban for aborting a few games in a row because my opponent refused to make a move.

This is silly. Either the clock should start running within a few seconds of white making a move or this ban should be removed.
You aren't waiting very long. If you wait 15 seconds, you won't get banned.

Be more patient. You're experiencing the ban precisely because you're the one aborting too quickly.

You're exactly the sort of impatient person the ban targets.
People who are not ready to play should not be accepting games. Black's clock should start 5 or 10 seconds after white moves.
You have to wait 15 seconds. Are you really so impatient that 5 or 10 seconds more than what you've asked for is "too long"?

Otherwise you get people who just abort almost instantly. That's the reason this was added, because it aims to prevent impatient players aborting a game after 5 seconds - which seems to be what you do!

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