
Do you think Professor Snape is "cool"?

Wait...You're asking if a guy who dresses like the fascist kid in Equilbrium and teaches monotonic Latin to a bunch of LARPer nerds at a fancy magnet school in England is "cool"?
Seems like a silly question.
Harry: hehe boi

Snape: W...what?

Hermione: he was trying to say. . .

Draco: :) #snap4life
@chummer Why do you call Harry Potter unlikeable? I agree with Umbridge, but Harry is a good egg.
hell yeah @MinouL you got beef with snape i will find you and i will stick a list of the reasons why snapes cool up your nose oh wait... the list is to big
Snape is the most unique and interesting character in the book. Hermoine Granger is 2nd and Hagrid is 3rd.

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