
Corona Virus threat to chess !!!

Where can I panic-buy automatic chess boards with electromagnets?

... oh sorry, wrong thread.

It's very on topic, if you don't join his group, he'll give you COVID-19.

Heh, exactly as I told you. It's all a scam to attack the West: (looks like it paywalls linked articles) - here is the fallout

You see, the world doesn't revolve around you, nor any of the useful idiots you pointed to, no matter how much your feelings or appeals to authority fallacies seem important to you. The world flows in a straightforward way that is both predictable and repetitive. Communists suck that much at reality. You just need to look at what they did in the past to know what they'll do next.

Wait until people figure out that the protests in Ukraine were run by the same Russian tactics China is using, it will be quite amusing.
#63... Ummm... yeah. And I'm sure you have plenty of proof.

Say it's a scam to the people losing their lives in Italy, I'm sure they'll set you straight.
The Corona Virus will have no more impact than the flu or anything else already does.
Influenza and any respiratory disease usually affect the elderly as expected since they have weaker bodies. COVID-19 does the same. There really wasn't a need to shut down society, and horde toilet paper over it. Some states are declaring a state of emergency over 1 confirmed case. The world has gone insane.
@tabarjack "It's all scam..." The cnn article you linked talks about a global pandemic, and how US and China accuse each other of how they've been dealing with the case, letting things go worse than necessary. How does that imply that this is all a scam, something not to be taken seriously?

"no matter how much your feelings or appeals to authority fallacies seem important to you." - where did I say my feelings are important to me? What is this appeal to authority fallacy you talk about?

"Communists suck that much at reality." - However, it's pretty much the whole world that is worried about this pandemic, not just the communists.

One thing that's important to consider now is the possibility of symptomless people spreading the virus:

@laatikko Leave them alone. They are simply insecure and scared individuals, who are using a similar strategy to "XY-Problem" only to mislead people.The original question is not, if corona is fake or flu. If they believe it is fake. They should infect themselves with corona to know better and prove to us. By the way one of them was "Mad" Mike Hughes. Their superhero. He is no more. Just saying...
But anyway back to original question.
Question:How much impact will Corona Virus (COVID-19) will have to chess especially OTB chess and OTB tournaments?
Answer: Lots of open tournaments have been canceled.

Question: And also the Candidates tournament are so close. Should they be postponed or not ?
My Answer: Yes, they should. Because it is not a fair tournament by now. Wang Hao is missing his 2nd.
Teimour Radjabov is out, who earned and prepared for the tournament.
MVL was gifted and he is not well prepared.

Question: Will it have any impact to online chess?
My answer: Indirectly, yes. Maybe there will more online tournaments.

Due to corona virus, many players have started playing actively chess online.
It is clear from the number of arenas in, the tournament page including arenas by masters, team battles and other tournaments
First time I have seen around 100 tournaments at a same time

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