
Chess Training for me.

@viperidae1983 It's an easy set that I've already done a couple of times. It takes me 30 minutes more or less. I do it for pattern recognition. :D If I do it in chestempo then I do only 10 but that's because it's hard and random.
@TheKillerSacrifice 50 points = skill. That's my goal. The skill. Yes, you're correct and that's what I 'm talking about. Without skill, you won't achieve that 50 points.
On this day I changed my set. I bought a premium membership on chesstempo to make a custom set. :D Let's see in a few weeks. Then month after month I will make a goal. :D
As a coach, I can recommend you two ways of getting good at tactics:
1) Woodpecker method - used my many of the top GM's today. The principle is simple - solving same amount of puzzles (100-200) over and over again till you can solve all of them in one day. Example: you have a book with 150 puzzles and you start solving them 15 a day. After you solve them all you go back and solve them again ( not just the first move, but calculate all the variations). After you go threw them for let's say 3-5 times your brain get used to those patterns and you recognize them automatically in your games. After you are done, go with another 100-150 puzzles. I know a guy who did this with 1000 puzzles but he is 2600 a GM, so I think 100-150 is fine.
2) Don't be a sprinter, be a marathon runner. Solving puzzles for 15-30 minutes everyday for a long time will help you a lot more than solving puzzles everyday for 200 minutes, because eventually you will get too tired. Do chesstempo blitz puzzles for 15 minutes everyday and then 15 minutes for standart, and that's more than enough. After every puzzle which you solved incorrectly, see the correct answer for 3 times, so that your brain will recognize the pattern next time. Good luck!

Please subscribe my youtube channel for free chess lessons, example video:

I start uploading lessons again starting this week.

P.s. If you are motivated, we can take a look at your games sometimes, you can invite me to a analysis room of your games (the only condition is - no engine).
Advice: study endgames and play through grandmaster games.
Tactics training is good, but more games are decided by endgame technique than by tactics and to get positions with winning tactics you need good placement of pieces i.e. strategy.

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