
Interesting game I played

I'd love to hear any feedback you want to share!
Black played horrible, and white not that much better... white is much better after 8 moves, but 9. b3?? does fail to the tactic 9.. Ndxe5!, related to the fact that if dxe5 there is d4 to win back the sacked piece as the knight is pinned.

After 12.. bxc6 it is clear black's bishop is trapped (it is unsupported and does not have a route back to black's position), and after 13. 0-0, next is Nb1 and then a3 b4 to win the bishop.

15. Na4? makes no sense as I don't see a route.

And then black just blunders every piece and tries the g2 mate trick, which is easily stopped by Qf1. More challenging would have been h5, which at least looks dangerous. White could just lose on the spot if white doesn't change plans and force the queen trade.
His 6...Bb4? was wrong. That move only makes sense to fight for central square e4, but here is knight is already deviated to b6. He should have played 6...d6 to undermine your centre.

With 9 b3? you let him off the hook. Here he could have played 9...N4xe5! 10 Nxe5 Nxe5 11 dxe5 d4. You should have harassed his bishop with 9 a3.
Let's say 30.. h5, 31. Qc1! (initiate queen trade) Qg8 (avoids the trade. It is forced to retreat.) 32. Qf1 to defend, and then Qh3 to complete defense and also threatens Qe6+. With the queen positioned there it is really difficult for black to avoid trading queens eventually, as the king is open and the black queen need to block a check sometime

If 30..h5 31. Qc1 Qg4? (probably what black intended to do), then 32. Qh6!, threatening mate. Black has nothing better than 32.. Qg7 and trade queens, and according to engine it is mate in 15 because of your pawns queening..

Note other moves like 31. Ra7 does win also, but it does require deeper calculation to be sure it does win in time and you don't miss any tricks or perpetual draws. If you are not quick enough on the queenside h4 is dangerous.
9.. Na3? misplacing his pieces away from the center.

13. Rb1?? pointless move.

14. Na4? misplacing the knight


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