
Bringing USCF rated play to Lichess

I run a monthly rated and unrated tournament hosted here on Lichess and organized on Discord. The tournament starts on the 20th and runs until September 3rd. Each round takes 48 hours to coordinate and play one 10+0 game. If you are playing in the rated section, your USCF Online Blitz rating will be affected. Drop by at if this sounds interesting.
Any TD can host an online tournament without prior contact to USCF.
You know that cheating rises dramatically if money, rating is involved?

Internet chess is not suitable for serious things. Never, never, never. You don’t know against who you are playing: a book, an engine, a couple of guys, a best friend. The cheating detections covers only a part of them.
woudl this count towards reals uscf rating or some online-uscf-rating. 1st sound dubious is they allow. Open letter for cheating a better rating
This USCF rating list thing is meaningless. Most of the countries dropped hes own list years ago and use FIDE rating list.

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