
Hit 1800 in two months

I just hit 1800 in just over two months. I learnt chess approximately 50 days ago people that it is possible!
Im fifteen and decide I rather like the game!
By he end of this year I would like to be 1900, and next year 2100.
With my GM coach I am set to havea title before 21 (with continued time and effort)
So if you are complaining about your rating being under 1800, just remember.
I learnt the game and reached 1800 in two months.
@Sw0p said in #1:
> I just hit 1800 in just over two months. I learnt chess approximately 50 days ago people that it is possible!
> Im fifteen and decide I rather like the game!
> By he end of this year I would like to be 1900, and next year 2100.
> With my GM coach I am set to havea title before 21 (with continued time and effort)
> So if you are complaining about your rating being under 1800, just remember.
> I learnt the game and reached 1800 in two months.
> Thanks
It's NOT so easy for other ppl because of the lack of training resources. And u have a Grandmaster coach, which makes your improvement easier.
@SwApNeEl1 said in #2:
> It's NOT so easy for other ppl because of the lack of training resources. And u have a Grandmaster coach, which makes your improvement easier.

But only once a month for 200 pounds. And lack of training recources! You must be joking. The internet is full of material that helped me. I got Battle of Endgames by Ray Cannon for a fiver off of World Of Books and that increased my endgame knowledege insanely! You actually need to study chess, not just play blitz. I study ~5 hours a day in chess, and that means long boring books, youtube videos about deep analysis on certain tactics, and granaster game analysis.
My friend, I have worked my ass of to get to this rating through hard work and perseverance. I have had to get up at 5am, study for my school GCSE exams for seven hours, study chess for 5, workout for an hour, 5k run and a freezing cold shower for discipline. I have had no dessert,and only bland protein meals like steak. Tell me why I improved faster because of a hour lesson with my coach once a month?
its easier to learn that fast when you are young
@Sw0p said in #1:
> I just hit 1800 in just over two months. I learnt chess approximately 50 days ago people that it is possible!
> Im fifteen and decide I rather like the game!
> By he end of this year I would like to be 1900, and next year 2100.
> With my GM coach I am set to havea title before 21 (with continued time and effort)
> So if you are complaining about your rating being under 1800, just remember.
> I learnt the game and reached 1800 in two months.
> Thanks
As you grow higher and higher, it becomes harder to keep on growing. For example, Ive been stuck at 2200-2250 for 2 1/2 years, and got from 1600-1800 in around 4 weeks! This isn't to discourage you, but just to tell you you need to work even harder to increase:).
@Sw0p said in #1:
> I just hit 1800 in just over two months. I learnt chess approximately 50 days ago people that it is possible! Im fifteen and decide I rather like the game! By he end of this year I would like to be 1900, and next year 2100.With my GM coach I am set to havea title before 21 (with continued time and effort) So if you are complaining about your rating being under 1800, just remember.I learnt the game and reached 1800 in two months.Thanks .

I wish you good progress. You will probably become an advanced player in no time, but remember that the chosen time controls and their precise cadence have an impact on the Elo rating. For example, if you play blitz or rapid, it won't be the same Elo as in classical mode. Unfortunately, the longer the time control, the less popular it is, so the pool of players in classical games is different. Since there are fewer players, the sample size is smaller, which can distort the Elo rating. It's not just about the mode of play, but also the time control. For instance, playing blitz with 8+10 is not the same as 3+0. Even if the chosen mode is blitz, the Elo will be different. If you play in 60+30 or 90+30, since there are few players at these time controls, the Elo rating is not as representative compared to 30+0 and 30+20, which are more popular. To improve significantly and have the most representative Elo possible by choosing a higher pool of players, the recommended time control would be rapid 15+10.
With that training regime, chuck a few shaken, not stirred, Martinis in there, put on a sharp suit and you can become the next James Bond.
@Sw0p said in #1:
> I just hit 1800 in just over two months.

There is a slight difference between Lichess rating and FIDE rating.
The difference consist in that Lichess rating is fake, useless, inflated and easy to balloon upwards or downwards.
FIDE is quite difficult to get a big number, so you will be somewhere 200-500 points below of what you have in lichess.

> By he end of this year I would like to be 1900, and next year 2100.
I do not know about that. I mean, if you can, good for you, but as you are a newcomer, you still dont understand how it works.

How it works its something like this. When you are new, you barely know how to move the pieces.
From knowing how to move the pieces to knowing how to develop them more accurately it is not a long lesson, its easy to learn, remember and apply, however, that small process will propel you like 200 rating points.

Every single basic thing you learn about chess will yield a lot of points rather quickly. So gaining points being a newcomer, you have no idea how easy is to do.

But eventually you will hit the wall. The basic knowledge will only get you so far.
For some, its 1500, for others 1800, for others 2000. But you will hit the wall.

After you hit the wall, you will have to train for months until you shed tears of blood just to gain mere 50 points of rating.
The higher you get, the more you have to train and the less rating increase you get. Eventually you will struggle just to keep the points you have.

> With my GM coach I am set to havea title before 21 (with continued time and effort)

Well, its a good thing you have a GM coach. only 1 in a million players or so has that chance. He will guide you and give you the best advice to further your level. Dont waste the chance. Still doesnt guarantee a thing, it all depends on you, if you have the capacity. But the odds are in your favor.

> So if you are complaining about your rating being under 1800, just remember.
> I learnt the game and reached 1800 in two months.

1800 lichess is not a high number. The level is about bottom half of a mediocre high school chess club.
My highest here I think was about 2050. Thats not even the level of a strong amateur. Its somehwere 1500-1600 FIDE.

I am not trying to diminish your accomplishments. Congrats.
Im just trying to give you the perspective. Anyone can reach that goal with a decent coach. I can assure you I can raise the level of a 15 year old kid in 2-3 months to roughly your same level if he follows my advice and trains. You are at about the end of the beginner classes and about to start the mid level classes.

Your coach boosted you to that level and spared you from hitting the wall early. But once you have to rely on long calculations, complex tactics, and grand strategy instead of just the basics, you will stall, because those previously mentioned topics take a couple of years of practice to barely scratch the surface. You cant skip that part. When you reach it, then you will know what it feels to get stuck. Once you start the real struggle, pain, hopelessness, frustration, anger, despair, its when you REALLY find out if chess is for you.

So, congrats on reaching a decent level very quickly. But calm down. It is super easy to go from 0 to 1700-1800. You will find more complicated to earn the next 100 points than the first 1700-1800. Chess is not linear. It gets harder and harder and super harder the higher your rating.
Getting to 1800 classical here, which is probably 1400+ OTB is a pretty good start for sure. Maybe you have a talent for the game, like those kids who become GM at like 15 years old.
Personal story, it took me about the same amount of time to get from 0 to 1300 than it did to get from 1300 to 2000+ (OTB rating, not online). I think I was doing something really wrong with my training early on. Improvement is definitely not linear.
@crtex said in #9:
> 1800 classical here, which is probably 1400+ OTB
Don't forget that 1400 is the floor for FIDE ratings now, i.e. 1400 is the lowest rating possible. Getting 1800 classical on lichess is certainly more of an achievement. As a result of recent online losing streak, I actually managed to have higher FIDE (standard) ELO than lichess (classical) rating.

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