
What if I participate a tournament which has prizes for winner but lichess is not responsible ?!

I was participating in a casual Swiss tournament two weaks ago :
Which has prizes but still I didn't get it. I already informed the organizer and he said to wait until the next day but already two weeks over and I reported to moderator but still annoyed with this type of tournaments?! Any permanent solution!!?
you took a risk by attending such an tournament where no one can supervise that organizer is good for their word. I really do not see how anyone could help you apart the organizer.
I think lichess should not permit this type tournaments where organizer himself is a participant and acheived a position with tricks.
yes this may be true that you arent are the sole achiever but try contacting the other achieving players
Glad if it helps
I think they really care about the prizes, still don't know properly
@Knormality said in #1:
> I was participating in a casual Swiss tournament two weaks ago :
> Which has prizes but still I didn't get it. I already informed the organizer and he said to wait until the next day but already two weeks over and I reported to moderator but still annoyed with this type of tournaments?! Any permanent solution!!?

bruh that team has 76 players use your common sense nobody would create such a event with prizes despite having so low members, also the players are so low, ofc the person who organized found it no use to give prizes, they didn't really gain members by doing this stunt (sorry if I was rude my freind)
@Rimac_C2 said in #8:
> ofc the person who organized found it no use to give prizes,

I don't think that "of course" is a reasonable attribute for fraud. If you offer prizes, you have to provide them. Period.

(And those prizes were basically pennies...)
You want to know? Anonymous Chess Team. Had 2300+ members, I myself was a leader. My "comrade" (since he was from armenia and that's close to russia, ig), he used to host tournaments and offered money prizes and pdfs and free chessbases. I didn't know about his scams, and because of it the team lost its leaders, but didn't get least that's others' theories...
Conclusion: Participate in these tournaments at YOUR OWN RISK. Just kidding, you won't lose anything, but, its not gonna be necessary that you earn the prizes. You might be scammed, and it might be a waste of your time.

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