
Openings Study List-Suggestion

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I would love to see a study made on the Bongcloud Attack!

On a serious note: Why not make a study on the Colle System or the Evans Gambit? I also would love to see a study on the Scotch and it's Gambit!
@DCMetropolisChess said in #1:
> Hello! I have certain chess openings studying from my chess club, coach, books, and personal openings. They are all annotated by me with the help of my coach and other team members, particularly my friends.
> What Opening should I make a study on? Can anyone suggest any opening :D

Do you mean to create a public study or for yourself?

For you i would recommend to find which kind of positions you like, look at what openings you get the position in question, and study it. If you like more positional or strategic or tactical. If you are more an attack or defensive player.
The major i could recommend are: ruy, qgd, ck, Sicilian, gruenfeld, slav, french, and so on.

If it is for the public: maybe about the gruenfeld, petroff, kia, catalan, english, and so on.
The Pachman Wing Gambit is very interesting. I'm not saying it's good, I'm just saying that you should take a closer look at it with an engine with Lc0 at a considerable high depth. Black can get caught off guard very easily, especially at the beginner level, and there are many elements similar to the Evan's Gambit.
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@DCMetropolisChess said in #1:
> Hello! I have certain chess openings studying from my chess club, coach, books, and personal openings. They are all annotated by me with the help of my coach and other team members, particularly my friends.
> What Opening should I make a study on? Can anyone suggest any opening :D
I would love to see a good study on the najdorf. It really never ends.
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@DCMetropolisChess said in #9:
> Bishop's Opening study is here!

Nice study, but what are the ideas of each variation? Why are you playing „this move“ and not „that move“? What are the plans for the middle game? What kind of strategy do you have playing the opening (like will you fight for x square or make some pressure/control it by distance)? What kind of pawn structure you will get? ...

These are some questions that arises looking at the study.

You gave only a bunch of lines, but no explanation. It is recommended that the player understands the opening and not only memorise the moves.

Still nice work.

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