
can i reach 2300 today

my current blitz rating was 2210 and trying to reach 2300 today, can i reach the goal or not
You can reach 2300 mark today. Try and play many games. Hope you get it as early as possible.
But how come you have Fide Rating of 1188?
~ It must be well over 1500 since the Lichess rating to Fide rating converter calculated my Fide Rating as 1407. Or you have not played enough games.
@Akbar2thegreat probs hasnt played otb chess due to covid, making him underrated. Hes probs 1600 to 2000 rated otb but lichess rating isnt a reliable indicator
G R I N D. Do it hard enough and there is a small chance of it actually working. Good luck!
You can if you try and give your best. Few days ago my bullet rating was 2202 and by playing the elite bullet arena in jumped to 2300.

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