
Sometimes I can't castle when playing chess 360.

During a recent game I couldn't castle short, only long. Which would have exposed my king. The king wasn't attack and no piece was threatening the castling. There was only one square between the rook and king. What was going on?
If you have settings for clicking on rook to castle it will work#
The short answer is that there is a learning curve. It will all come to you with a little research. Pay attention and focus is the secret. It's also called 960 not 360, again that is just a focusing issue.
Is it possible that in some positions castling is impossible on one side even though the king isn't en prise . Yes it is 960. Just an honest typo
no castling is allways possible somehow in chess960 but can be hard in practice
@Bottlevinnik67 One of the strategy's that 960 players use is to castle late in the game to make it harder for computer cheaters and it can be shocking to castle to the other side of the board with a king placed on b1 or g1. I often still get confused about castling too though. Live and learn.

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