
How can i reach 1800

What helped me get from 1700 to 1900 now was a better understanding of positional threats and small tempo improvement moves. And by threats, I mean something like threatening to win the bishop pair, trading rooks so as to gain control of files. Also sticking to a single opening can do you quite a lot of good too. Try watching hanging pawns opening theory which I found very helpful. And I hope I don't have to say this, but solve puzzles and play games at least as long as 10+5
I switched to 10+0 and learned two new openings: Vienna Gambit (as White) and the Caro-Kann Defense (as Black)
Do not resign prematurely. Example:
In order to get better at chess you HAVE to play the game! In some way at least: Do puzzles, play games, etc. If you wanna have fun, play blitz and bullet. If you really wanna improve, take your time to play 30+5 or something like that! Losing makes you improve, makes you learn... play against stronger players!

Learn things about topics like: Continuity, colorcomplexes, pawnstructurs, kingsafety, etc!
(Or practise with a very strong player)

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