
Blacks in the USA sold themselves to the devil, not the whites

The black struggle on TV
... is a joke and does not exist.

Any colored person who claims to be suffering from their great great ancestors being sold to white North Americans by black slave owners needs to look in the mirror and blame themselves.

You don't see Latinos and Asians running around crying about their centuries of struggle.

Black communities are run down cesspools because black culture educates their young to believe they're entitled to something and no mess or problem is their own.

"Black Lives Matter" is a money-grubbing terrorist organization who could care less about black lives unless they're taken by a person who is white. Black on black, black on hispanic is A-okay insofaras BLM are concerned. But ONE black dude gets whacked by one WHITE man, and it's time to start a race war.



community: ARGHHH 4 dislikes, wanting to start political war

me: mark my words this will be closed

lichess mods: *sigh* here we go again
All lives do matter but all lives can't matter until black lives matter.
What exactly is this "centuries of struggle" you talk about regarding latinos and asians?
The slave traders in Africa were Arabic...not black.The English were the ones selling slaves into America.
You display classic signs of being a deeply racist white Southern red-neck with no job but lots of guns.And maybe even a confederate flag tattooed on his tiny dick.
Deviating from what OP asked-

Do you think that BLM has managed to make people more racist? I ask this because the violent riots and looting is all actively associated with BLM. In my opinion, this might cause the general populous to see BLM as a race-driven terrorist organisation, more than anything.
Speaking as someone far away from the action,the coverage we get here clearly separates the protests from the looting..and that ranges across all TV networks regardless of their editorial leanings.
I objectively believe BLM is in no way associated with the lawless mob violence.Looters are never ideologically driven.
First rule of understanding the Communist movement -

"The issue is never the issue, the revolution is always the issue."

V. I. Ulyanov said "The goal of Socialism is Communism."

The key thing to understand is that to a Communist the goal of bowling is Communism. Everything is political for them, everything is just a temporary tool to achieve their cult's evil schemes.

Co-founder of Black Lives Matter admits to being a trained Marxist:

Clearly, Black Lives Matter is a Communist front group masquerading as a civil rights movement.


POTUS admits to being a trained real-estate salesman.
Now..who would you trust more to be honest with you?
Obladie , denying that other people have suffered from oppression does not help.

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