
Is it safe to link OpeingTree to LiChess?

I don't like connecting 3rd party modules, but OpeningTree looks pretty cool. I wish that it was natively built into LiChess. Anyone else use it? And is there any reason I should not connect it?

What the heck are you hiding in your lichess account that a software can steal from? Is it meth?
A healthy dose of sceptisism is always good. Of course if one is already posting tits and ass on facebook, privacy is probably not ones biggest consern.

As for openingtree I think it only checks out accounts, and theres nothing you implement in your browser or anything like that so you should be good.
openingtree only asks to get access to public info from your account, as written on that OAuth page where you would grant it. Public info is only things that others could see about your account on the lichess website anyway.

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