
Good books which focus on finding and maintain strong piece position?

Hey all, this is my first post on lichess. I am a fairly new chess hobbyist, I've only been actively playing for about 6 months or so now.

I've found that I have a decent understanding of how to develop pieces in a smart way and I am okay at creating a pawn structure in sync with piece development, but I feel like I have a really poor understanding of how to create strong positions on the board. I know the basics of gaining quick control of the center and positioning rooks on open files, but in general I just dont feel like I understand how else to create and maintain a strong position through the other pieces and with pawns.

Can anyone recommend me a book (or other resource) that focuses on this aspect of the game in detail?
"My System" by Aaron Nimzovich is still a classic.
Mark Dvoretsky is one of the best trainers of the russian school and he has a couple of books about positional game that are very useful and I thought that are what you are looking for.
There are many good books, old and new. The problem is that you cannot fill your brain like a bucket. It takes some patterns and tons of praxis to proceduralize them. So you know what you have to do the next couple of decades. Books alone won’t do much.
I've been reading "Simple Chess" by Michael Stean recently, and I think it's helped with that aspect of my play. It helps that it's also inexpensive and quite short.
The Middlegame by GM Euwe is good, although I'm unsure whether it directly addresses your concern.
Eugene Znosko-Borovsky has many great books, read them all :).
The Middle Game in Chess could be interesting for your topic.
"It is not a move, even the best move, that you must seek, but a realisable plan." quote by Eugene, GL with your chess, it is a long ride have fun on the way.

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