
Who's the best lichess player?

@ALucasM said in #30:
> idc. i beat 1500s regularly when i play. but guess what! if you are going to play this game, then i will too! i am 800 rating points ahead of you in rk, 500 rating points ahead of you in blitz, and 500 rating points ahead of you in rapid, 100 rating higher than you in 3+, 400 rating higher than you in bullet, 400 rating higher than you in ultrabullet, 500 higher than you in horde, 300 higher than you in koth, and you are fighting ALL THAT with: "I am 100 rating higher than you in atomic!" are rating differences combined are uncountably large in my favor! i am better.
your lower in atomic ok and no need to fight.
@CSAIJAGRUTH said in #31:
> your lower in atomic ok and no need to fight.
> friends
that doesn't make you a better chess player though....
Bro @ALucasM don't fight You're not the best the rating it's not important, today I beat a 1800+ player.

So you're not the best play with me if you are not scarred.
@JoseRCapablancaJr said in #37:
> Bro @ALucasM don't fight You're not the best the rating it's not important, today I beat a 1800+ player.
> So you're not the best play with me if you are not scarred.
which variant?

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