
Who's the best lichess player?

Please define "lichess player". And what criterium is important for being the best?
@ kimia_ashirley said in #15:
> u r a bot?
Apparently I am. So, greetings human life form - I've come to ask of you the definitions - basis on which I am able to judge!
LM Lance5500, hands down. He hosts more simuls for the community than anyone, I've played him about 50 plus times over the years, and he is a vital part of this site. He's always polite, gracious, and a devastating player to play against. Close runner up would be GM Zhigalko_Sergei, Sergei is a fun nightmare to play on the board, as you watch your pieces start disappearing by move fifteen. I enjoy that brutal and exacting style of the Russian chess school, it is very positional, and you can learn a lot.
I thought of what might be a helpful reminder for new(er) players at the site, when joining simuls...some titled players prefer that you have 50 games minimum, especially for new accounts, to try to weed out bots or engines. It is a fair request, take the challenge, and play 50 games of bullet, blitz, and rapid, for each category. This way, even if you are a new member at the site, you can establish a general approximation of your rating/skill level. Simul hosts also generally request that you join their team to be qualified to play. I hope this is helpful!

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