
Beginner games

I'm new to lichess, I'm still at 1500? When does the ? mark go away?

Also when I start a casual game correspondence 2 days, why are people accepting my game and then not playing, it's happened 3 times so far, why would someone accept if they are not going to play? Am I creating the game incorrectly?
The ? means it's a provisional rating. You haven't played enough games for your rating to be non-provisional. I think after 12 games, the ? goes away.

Not sure about people leaving correspondence games. But I just challenged you and we can play if you'd like!
"When does the ? mark go away?"
Never if you don't play rated games.
Rating information:
Make sure you are playing rated games so your rating will get impacted based on the result
Correspondence: You are just fine, but unfortunately threre are not very many commited correspondence players on this iste. However I am one of the few, so challenge me to rated correspondence and I would be happy to play you... however if somebody doesn't move when in a lost position for a while, and is purposely making you wait for the game to time out you can report them here
All the best
It's true, you will have to play rated games so that it counts as a normal game, after 12 rated games or so, the ? should go away.

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