
How do you deal with transpositions when doing opening preparation in lichess studies?

In a lot of openings, there are a lot of lines that lead to the same position. It's far from ideal to input variations on each of them individually.

How do people usually deal with this? It almost sounds like a must-have requirement but people are clearly managing.

(I do have lichess tools, but all it does it help me go to the transposition but it's easy to miss and we'll still have duplicates)
@purpleroof said in #1:
> In a lot of openings, there are a lot of lines that lead to the same position. It's far from ideal to input variations on each of them individually.
> How do people usually deal with this? It almost sounds like a must-have requirement but people are clearly managing.
> (I do have lichess tools, but all it does it help me go to the transposition but it's easy to miss and we'll still have duplicates)

I just play the good moves I can find. I also play forcing moves.
I download the studies containing my prep as pgn and run a python script to check for (inconsistent) transposition.... Would be nice to have a better solution though.
@nrrrd said in #3:
> I download the studies containing my prep as pgn and run a python script to check for (inconsistent) transposition.... Would be nice to have a better solution though.

Yeah that was my plan too in the worst case. Clunky but workable. Hopefully someone has a better solution.