
Building an opening repertoire with the Lichess Study tool

I am currently building an opening repertoire 1.e4 c6 with the help of the Lichess Study tool.
As there are a lot of people doing something similar I'd like to know If anyone has some advice on doing this well.

For example:
->how to structure it well by using a good nomenclature for the variations. I am currently using N.N.L.N.N (where N stands for a number and L for a letter) and am quite happy with it because I can read it more quickly and comfortable than just numbers, but there are probably better/more common/ proven well systems for that.

-> Which criteria to use for cutting a variation short or where to branch off

->Which filter settings to use in the explorer


I'd very happy to hear your advice and suggestions
Btw if anyone is interested in the not yet finished, but still probably not useless study:
the displayed chapter is just an introductory one, several chapters are already finished
Unfortunately no replies so far, if this is because the study is perfectly structured already(which I highly doubt) please tell me about that too(or like the study etc.)

The main issue for my study might be, that the variations get quite lengthy, but I always feel that I have to go till move 15 - 20, for reasons of consistency and sometimes also safety, since some lines require a certain precision for a few extra move.

Got anyone any thoughts on that ?
Very nice, it seems very comprehensive! I wish I could have more than a passing interest in chess to make use of this, but in any case, I feel like I want to encourage you to keep working on it! I’m sure some people will find it helpful and appreciate it!
Thanks for the reply, I will definitely continue working on it
Carro Kann is a very good choice of opening resulting in quick development and comfortable positions.

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