
How can I improve my calculation?

Title. I want to be able to calculate quickly and accurately eventually, but how? And how do I practice it?
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Same I want too
I think calculating hard puzzles and playing turtle games (classical)
could be really helpful
also sometimes you need simple puzzles to solve like 1500
so you won't have tunnel vision to obvious things and thinking that solution is way more advanced than it should be
I take a hard puzzle or dynamic position, set a timer for 30 minutes and calculate as many moves and variations that I can find. Do this once a day for a few weeks and you should see improvement.

Of course just playing longer games and using your time to calculate that way also works, but option one is great for no stress practice. :)
@RJblue said in #1:
> Title. I want to be able to calculate quickly and accurately eventually, but how? And how do I practice it?

Quick and accurate, ah. Like mixing water and oil.

Want quick? Calculate 1 move ahead. Calculate further, it takes time, so it cant be quick.
Want to calculate accurately? Calculate the possible answers 1 move ahead. Further, it takes time, so it cant be quick.

If you calculate quick over 1 move ahead, the accuracy drops. So it wont be accurate.

Pick one of the 2. If you want quick moves, dont expect a lot of accuracy.
If you want accurate, your clock will take a hit.
It is what it is.
@Alientcp Grandmaster bullet games say otherwise. I'm no GM , of course, but we can still calculate like them to some degree. It just takes practice. A lot of it.
@RJblue said in #7:
> @Alientcp Grandmaster bullet games say otherwise. I'm no GM , of course, but we can still calculate like them to some degree. It just takes practice. A lot of it.

LOL. They dont calculate too much. They more or less play an opening by memory up to move 25, then the screw ups start to happen, if not earlier.

Record 10 games, check with the engine and by the time they actually start to think, you will see an accuracy diving fast.
@Alientcp I don't mean 2 seconds per calculation. Quick is a very general statement. I was using GM bullet games as an example of quick calculation, but quick could also pass as 5-10 seconds per move. Besides, I asked for advise, not whatever you're trying to say. And sorry for the late response, had to go.
this might not be that useful but back in the days when I wanted to improve my calculation skills, I used to multiply numbers. like, I first started with 23*45 and then proceeded to 2-digit*3digits calculations

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