
Who is your most favourite chess player?

@FM Wittke

I really don't think I was being harsh on Petrosian because I cited actual facts. Fischer did, indeed, catch a cold from which he recovered by game 6. Once recovered, he beat the former World Champion 4 straight. Forget about the 6 straight against both Taimanov and Larsen. Four straight wins against a World Champion is unheard of.

Like Morphy, Fischer gave the game up very young yet everybody seeks to besmirch Bobby's strength and NOBODY ever besmirches Morphy's strength. Why is that?

If chess is played in a thousand years nobody will ever again win the US Championship 11-0 or win Candidates matches 6-0. The numbers do not lie. Fischer had no peer while he was active. Magnus is a great player but come on ... two tied championship matches decided by blitz tie breaks?? Magnus, to me, is yet another drawing master and even his opening repertoire speaks to that. I guarantee you that Fischer would never adopt something as tame as the London System with white. Bobby tried for the initiative from move 1 with either color his entire career.

Only Morphy matched Fischer's strength relative to his peers. Only Morphy and no one else.

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