
Comparing chess-platforms

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A few tactics on lichess regularly is decent. Playing OTB ( > 30+30) will help you in applying the tactics and mating patterns you’ve learnt. Repeat.
@Thorcan91 said in #1:
>But in terms of training tactics, puzzles, which one would rise my skills the most? Which website does offer best tactical training or examples to solve? Is it really matter if I will be doing it on Lichess or any other platform? Are all examples of puzzles the same?
> By the way, from your experience, by using what website have your skills (tactical or visualization) developed the most?

I don't know if this falls in the same category or not, but for tactical puzzles I think a good book can be much better than any website. Books generally have a good representation of different themes and problems and if you choose a classic puzzles book it means it has been tested and approved by hundreds, if not thousands, of players.

I have just started Laszlo Polgar's 5334 problems, combinations, and games. While a lot of the problems seem like you will never get it in a game, but to solve it in the best manner exercises your visualization beyond measure. As a somewhat decent player, I thought I was too good for mate in 2, which form the majority of problems in the book. I was proven wrong!!! To my knowledge this is the only book with mate in 2, 3 (even 1) that Masters study to become Grandmasters.
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