
What kind of soda?

If you drink no soda at all, you're smart!

But if you like it, what type?

I like a basic generic unsweetened cola with stevia leaf extract added.
I like coke or sprite on ice but I rarely drink soda,maybe a can once a month.
When I was a kid, it was allowed to stretch the definition of soda if you liked a yoo-hoo.
@Dukedog said in #4:
> Not to mention orange and grape Nehi.

M*A*S*H had a set piece on one episode, Radar was depressed about a girl. He went to Rosie's Bar and got drunk on triple grape Nehi.
i don’t drink soda but i would prefer pear or apple soda if there’s no iced tea
@morphyms1817 said in #1:
> If you drink no soda at all, you're smart!

One of the best decisions I made 2 years ago, nowadays even a sip tastes too sugary.

Nothing beats a refreshing glass of water. Even better when you can alternate between milk, coffee, tea & sparkling water. All tasty beverages while not being bad for your health. (Of course with moderation lol)