
Wrongfully Accused Then Closed Account

presumption of innocence is what many countries base their justice system on. lichess isn't a country. lichess does presume an account isn't cheating until it is analysed for cheating, and you don't know what lichess detected for the reason to ban the account for cheating.

again, this isn't the right place for an appeal. we are just wasting our own time.
@AcademicNinja99 "Lichess terms of service state that “In all circumstances we reserve the right to ban or close an account for any reason without warning, and without having to provide evidence that Fair Play and Community Guidelines have been breached.”

Everyone who joined Lichess agreed to those terms. Therefore you can’t complain about them."

You totally have an Aritoteles type mindset. You agreed to a pages of bullshit, therefore you can not complain? What? You know what? I can complain about anything. This is given by birth. No contract, no web claimer, no nothing can stop me complain about that. Moreover I can ask for upper level of justice based on what I do complain. Do not forget that there is a hiararchy of rules and laws. In Australia, up until 20th century it was legal to kill Aborginals by whites. This does not legitimate the racist Aussie law. You can nt say "Oh since the rules say so, it's universally right"

@ijh "I'm happy that you're willing to be banned. Now, you seem to forget that the mod that looked at your account was the judge, jury, and executioner, and they revoked your rights"

I hope that he/she bans me very soon just because I democratically claim justice.
@h2b2 well ... since Lichess is not a country and not basing its justice system on a universal value; I think cheating might be considered as not immoral. As you say so, Lichess management does not have any relation to universal values.

Really very subjective. Very one-sided way of thinking. Please consider about how stable and corraletional this way of thinking is.
The forum is no place to discuss these things and by the way you're not doing the one you're trying to defend any favors by publicizing it more.

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