
Scotch game, Goring gambit, Double pawn sacrifice

It can't be beaten, it just can't! What's your stance on it, I think it's brilliant!

1. e4 e5
2. Nf3 Nc6
3. d4 exd4
4. c3 dxc3
5. Bc4

I have recently won in the Scotch gambit as black in the game below. In the position black has to lose a knight
but according to computer analysis white must return a piece after 6. ...Nh6 7. Bxh6 0-0.
So, the professional GMs who play chess for a living, they are fools to keep playing those boring Italian games or Ruy Lopez?
I'm a boring person, so whenever they try shenanigans in e4 e5 openings, I just play "the equalizer" (if possible)
these Italian, Scotch and Greek gambits can be a lot of fun, but it always seems black can hold his own (or better) by a timely return of the material (4...d5 in the example @MusicGarlic has given). Tim Harding wrote a book about them half a century ago, and I don't believe the theoretical assessments have changed very much since. That the dog hasn't barked tells something.